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Mountains in the Valley

 Look but do not Touch

We go through life seeing and not seeing...things we choose to see and choose not to see. This becomes a problem when we do not focus on what is right by God's standards. When we look without God's focus, and decide to touch, we easily commit such sins as stealing, killing, and adultery. Just because you decide to look but NOT touch does not get you off the hook. This action easily leads to sins of the heart: jealousy, envy, and lust. Well, you say you will fix all that, you just won't look and can not be tempted. you choose to just look the other way.

The homeless on the bench, the hungry on the street, the hurting as close as your neighbor next door; you pretend not to look so you will not have to touch. There can be consequences.

Deuteronomy 34 tells us Moses stood on Mount Nebo, looked and saw the promised land but due to disobedience, he could not touch. The gospel according to Luke tells of a rich man, condemned to hell, wanting to be cooled from his torment in hell's fire with just a touch of water from Lazarus' finger. The rich man looked to heaven and saw what he wanted but he could not touch or be touched.

Matthew, Mark and Luke  tell the story of the woman with an issue of blood. She could not look Jesus in the face because of the crowds. She knew in her heart that all she had to do be healed was  touch the hem of His garment.

Should you look or not? Should you touch or not? Don't be perplexed. Be assured of this: You can look with confidence at what God is doing around you and join Him in His work, firmly believing this pleases Him.

People of today, with hardened hearts, materialistic ideals, and apathetic attitudes, attempt to use logic to prove God is not real. We need to let them know that we, as believers, plan to make ourselves available, look for and earnestly seek God, watch and wait for our Heavenly Father to use us to touch anybody, anytime, anywhere. Let us pray that God allows us to look for His work as well as avail ourselves for the Master's use. 

Touch somebody. Others are hoping and waiting. God is watching. I am praying.

Until next time, be a blessing and be blessed.

In His service,
Minister Janice Nelson Brown


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