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Mountains in the Valley    



     Communication in a relationship is essential to the life of that relationship. It is not simply talking but it also is listening to the other person. Misinterpretation of what is said leads to misunderstandings and confusion. Realize God, nor His Son Jesus Christ, nor the Holy Spirit are ever confused or misunderstands.

Think back on a misunderstanding with someone…your spouse, your parents, your teenager, a friend, a coworker, or perhaps you misunderstood the Holy Spirit. Did you want to hear what that person had to say? Probably not. In fact, we are guilty of hearing what wasn’t said at all. You know the phrase, “I heard what you said but I know what you meant.” Somebody misunderstands. We sometimes have a listening problem. We hear but we do not listen.

Our heavenly Father has no problem saying what He needs to say when He needs to say it. God speaks to us by the Holy Spirit. God’s purposes and will are revealed and confirmed through the bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church. Why so many ways… the bible AND prayer AND circumstances AND the church? Simple. God wants us to understand.

The Almighty knows we sometimes have a listening problem. We hear but we do not listen. Jesus Christ, the savior of sinners, was misunderstood, so much so He was hung on a crucified on a cross. His persecutors had a listening problem. They heard but they did not listen. Romans 6:23 says, “for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”Don’t be guilty of hearing but not listening. 

Do not misunderstand. Strive to listen and obey when God speaks. Live to follow Samuel’s example when he says in I Samuel 3:9, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”

Until next time, be a blessing and be blessed.
In His service,

Minister Janice Brown


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